Become a partnerPartner with the pros

Grow your business faster with Elloe AI. Explore our partner programs below and choose the one that is right for you!

Why partner with Elloe AI?

Grow and retain your business
Expand your product portfolio and help your customers maximize efficiency while delivering extraordinary customer service.
Accelerate AI adoption
Guide your customers' digital transformation with the leading AI-powered customer service automation platform.
Be a technology leader
Develop your expertise in AI by adding Elloe AI’s cutting-edge, generative AI Agent to your toolkit.
Canva logo Wealthsimple logo Pinterest logo Afterpay logo Square logo Mailchimp logo IPSY logo Verizon logo Weber logo Yeti logo Yeti logo Yeti logo

Tech Alliance Partners

Elloe AI's Technology Alliance Program is a network of best-in-class software solutions that help our customers operate more efficiently.

What are the benefits?

  • Access to the Elloe AI developer team
  • Up-to-date API documentation
  • Exclusive access to Elloe AI’s product roadmap
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RedK logoRoute101 logoCloudtech logo

Reseller Partners

Resellers are strategic partners that act as Elloe AI’s brand representatives with joint go-to-market activities.

These partners include consulting and technology vendors who are focused on transforming customer service through process and technological innovation.

What are the benefits?

  • Industry-leading revenue share
  • Access to Elloe AI Academy for sales and technical training
  • First look at new Elloe AI products
  • Access to Elloe AI’s Sandbox program
  • Dedicated Channel Account Manager

Referral Partners

Referral Partners recommend Elloe AI to their existing customers as well as prospects. Introduce us to a qualified lead and our sales team takes care of the rest!

This program is perfect for agencies, advisors, consultants, and influencers with Ecommerce, FinTech or Healthcare customers.

What are the benefits?

  • A new revenue stream for your business
  • Competitive revenue share structure
Envoy logoHoratio logoTalentpop logo
At Coca-Cola, we're passionate about building strong relationships with the communities we serve. Our AI agents have empowered us to enhance customer service, bridge communication gaps across diverse audiences, and gather real-time customer insights – all while reducing operational burdens. Their technology has significantly increased our automated resolution rates, allowing our human teams to focus on strategic initiatives and create an even better customer experience.
Stanislas Magniant

Stanislas Magniant

Digital and Social Communication Director

Coca Cola logo

We're better together.

Become a Partner